become the best version of yourself

what we do

empower individuals through personalized one-on-one coaching sessions to discover resilience and wellness by integrating mindfulness through meditation, breathwork, and proven practices.

who we are

chris norris: cognitive fitness coach, master social worker, career naval special operations veteran, husband, and father…with my own experiences of struggle to success, combined with academics and passion, i offer mindful coaching for stress reduction, resilience, performance, and peace.

how we do it

every collaboration will start with a free 45-minute consultation

call contents:

Introduction: We start by getting to know each other, building rapport, establishing a connection, and creating a safe and supportive space for the conversation. This will be a judgment and shame-free environment; please be your authentic self, and I promise to be mine.

Objectives: You can share your goals, challenges, and aspirations with me. I'll listen attentively to understand what you hope to achieve through coaching and how I can best support you. All practices are person-centered, meaning you are the driving force, and what you deem essential for your personal growth is critical!

Your definition of success is important!

Explanation: I'll provide an overview of my coaching process, which integrates breathwork, meditation, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. You'll learn how these practices can empower you to unlock your full potential, cultivate resilience, and allow you to start living your best life. You can decide if it is right for you, and if not, no worries, this is a zero-commitment call.

Questions: Throughout our discussion, feel free to ask questions or express concerns about the coaching process. I'm here to ensure you feel informed, comfortable, and empowered to take the next step toward your growth journey.

Practice: If it feels right to you, a short introductory breath and meditation practice can be part of this call.


LeAnne- Healer

“Reflecting on the enriching times spent with Chris, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and a sense of being truly blessed. His guidance, coupled with his words, has left an indelible mark on my personal growth, equipping me with the tools and mindset necessary to navigate life's challenges.”

Guy Nutter- Forensic Scientist

“Chris’s tutelage was essential…his calm presence, experiences, and guidance gave him immeasurable credibility.”