who is the cognitive fitness coach?

I'm Chris Norris, from Upstate New York, the youngest among nine siblings in a humble working-class family.

Early on, I became intimately acquainted with struggle.

Bouncing off the bottom, I joined the United States Navy in 1997, where I spent 24 years providing direct combat support for Naval Special Warfare Operators.

From dark waters off foreign shores to snow-covered peaks, I've faced some of the most challenging environments imaginable alongside the most tremendous warriors known to man, all while earning invaluable lessons in discipline, resilience, and adaptability.

Afghanistan 2004

Transitioning from the Navy three years ago, I pursued higher education, earning a Master's Degree in Social Work from Arizona State University and certification as a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.

I've since immersed myself in the mental fitness realm, guiding others to unlock their full potential through mindfulness and meditation.

Retirement 2021- Misawa, Japan

My journey of mental wellness began almost two decades ago when I faced burnout, mental exhaustion, fatigue, and alcohol addiction that nearly ruined me.

I was in the midst of operations and burning my candle at both ends; something had to give, and it all came to a head with arrest, discipline proceedings, and rehabilitation.

Seeking professional help marked a pivotal turning point, leading me to overcome alcohol addiction and allowing me to discover a passion for dedicating myself to helping others.

Ten years ago, I found further healing from post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety through meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness practices.

Since then, I've been dedicated to daily practice and exploring the transformative power of neuroplasticity.

Photo by Keegan Houser

Now fully transitioning into a slower life pace, I have deepened my practices and touched lives with my teachings.

In my free time, I push my limits through physical and mental challenges.

I am passionate about living life to the fullest while helping others do the same.

Ultra-Trail Mont Blanc Doi Inthanon Majors 2023

I am married to a lovely woman, and we have two beautiful daughters together.

Family photo Misawa, Japan

Thank you for allowing me to share a glimpse of my story with you.

It is my sincerest hope that our paths may cross, and together, we can embark on a journey of transformation, healing, and fulfillment.

-Coach Chris


the flow of training